Well, we had a great time in Pucallpa! I have many more pictures I was trying to upload, but it wasn't working for me (not sure why), so here are some of the many. The team arrived in Pucallpa on the 8th of November, and then we headed out to CurimanĂ¡ to get started on the new church there. Pastor Dario came and met the group at the airport, and though the team was small, we were able to accomplish much. Also, this was the first time that we had a good group of hermanos from the church we were building help with the construction. It was great to work side by side with the brothers and sisters of the church!
Everyone was ready to get started on the first day! We started out with a prayer dedicating the area-building site to God!
Daniel is always the joker, and even with gloves on, he still has to give a thumbs up!
On the first Sunday we were there, we had a medical visit with the owner of our hospedaje. I translated for the doctor.
Daniel and I had a meeting of the minds before church service. :-)
Dad, trying to understand some of the service on Sunday morning.
I know, it looks like I am not doing anything, but holding rebar is really important!!!
It may be styrofoam blocks, but we still have to make concrete to hold it together.
Then we started using the 20 kg bags of lyme to hold the blocks in place while we worked on other sections of the walls.
We had three and a half days of medical clinics in CurimanĂ¡, and there was no lack of patients.
The second Sunday we were there, we went to Cambio Noventa for service. We took 7 mototaxis. Honestly, I didn't think the ride was too bad...it wasn't raining, it wasn't too hot, and there were only a few bumps...so I thought! I was informed otherwise! :-)
This little sweetie is only three, and usually three year olds in Peru won't go to someone who isn't their family. However, as I talked to her aunt, she informed me that this little girl lives with her because her mother doesn't care for her. She is starving for attention. She sat on my lap for a good hour and a half and talked with me about all the little girl things happening in her life. So precious!!!
That evening, we had the dedication service at the new chapel. Everyone was happy to see the finished product, and the church was packed with over 200 people. The ladies of the church made chicherone de chancho...fried pork!!! It was a lovely service!
After the group left at the airport, dad and I visited with Pastor Dario and family for the day, then we went on our own personal adventure, including an 18 hour bus ride. Hopefully, I can get more pictures on here soon, but this gives a pretty good overview.
Thanks for your continued prayers as the work here in Peru continues!