Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This is at one of the four birthday parties for Jesus. He was a good sport and wore the crown the whole evening! I had to laugh at this picture because he didn't know that the crown was sideways.

This is another Sunday afternoon drive. We went to a place called "Mirador de Sachaca" which is a 6 or 7 story tower/building on top of a hill. From there you can see the city of Arequipa. We stopped on the way down to get "blessed" by the statue. Maciel was a little short, but I am sure she is blessed!

Here are some of the views from the top middle and bottom of the tower. Jesus and Kamila were at the bottom of the actual tower, but that was about two stories of steps up from the ground (as you can see from Milu, Jesus, and Kamila walking up...It was a beautiful day, as every day in Arequipa is.