Well, we have been here for two weeks now. Sorry, I just got this blog up and running, but I am new at this.
Today we completed two weeks of Spanish school, and I can carry on a basic conversation, although I understand a lot more than I can express.
I am living with two other of the 40/40s with a great family here in Arequipa. Tabby and Laura are the other 40/40s. The family has two little girls (Maciel and Kamila) and they are really fun to be with. They speak a little English, but not much, so we are challenged everyday to really expand our Spanish vocabulary. Miluska is the mom and Jesus is the dad.
The busses here are
called combi's, and it is a true adventure to ride one. We have to look at the front of the bus, where they have "static cling" signs that say where they are going. If you aren't sure where they're going, there is a person standing in the doorway yelling out the destinations. Once you get on a "bus", which is about the size of the mini busses in the states, you may get a seat or you may have to stand up with the other 20 people who didn't get a seat. I guess it can be added to the list of "Ad-van-tures" I have been on. We take combi's a lot, and they only cost 70 centimos, which is less than 30 cents, and you can stay on and ride all day if you want. Sometimes they aren't crowded at all, and sometimes they are very crowded...there are definitely rush hours. After dark, we usually take taxis, which usually cost 4 or 5 soles (around $1.50 USD). And the taxis are about the size of a mini-coup, and it doesn't matter how many people you put in one, the price is the same. We usually try to negotiate a price before we go so the driver doesn't try to raise the price on us. I will try to get some pictures of all this soon.
Until later,